Post rules on your blog.
Answer the six "4" items.
Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving them a comment.
4 Things I Did Yesterday:
~Ordered a Castle Cake for Morgan's 3rd birthday. (Cheating~I know!)
~Went to Target and bought a "big girl" carseat for Morgan.
~Took the girls to see Santa at the Bass Pro Shop. (Cadence screamed for her life, made for a cute picture though!)
~Contemplated doing laundry. (Still doing that today!)
4 Things I Look Forward to:
~Decorating for Christmas. I force myself to wait until after Thanksgiving.
~Vacation every year. I love to fly away, it makes me appreciate home.
~My girls' birthdays.
~Steve and my anniversary month. We started dating, were engaged and married all in March. We don't do gifts, I just really like to take the time to appreciate us.
4 Things On My Wish List:
~Disney World.
~new camera
~bigger bed for Morgan. The toddler bed just isn't cutting it anymore.
~For Cadence to have a day without incidents. Bad luck has been following her around for weeks. My poor baby has been sick, hurt or you name, a rash and a black eye. Yesturday, she bumped the other eye, fell and now has a knot on the back of her head.
4Favorite Restaurants:
~Pei Wei
~Chick Fil~a
~On The Border
4 Favorite TV Shows:
~Anything on HGTV.
~Sons of Anarchy
~We tivo tons of shows, these are just the ones I remembered first.
4 People I Tag: (You're It!)