Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Morgan is Free!!

Okay, maybe she's three! She says free instead of three though. We're working on that!

Her birthday was November 26th, the day before Thanksgiving. She has a few things that she knows she can count on when a birthday comes around. Nana is going to send balloons and she gets to help with the cupcakes. Those two things must happen or it's just not a birthday. Stevie had to work really late on her birthday. So, keeping the little one occupied was fun. We went and picked up her cake and I decided she should get to enjoy it. She played for hours with it. It came with six little princesses and she was in love.
By the time Stevie got home, the cake had been taste tested. I didn't really mind, it's her party, right?! Can you tell, I was feeling bad for not doing a big shindig for her this year? Bad Mommy.

Happy Birthday Morgan Faith!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I've Been Tagged

Post rules on your blog.
Answer the six "4" items.
Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving them a comment.

4 Things I Did Yesterday:
~Ordered a Castle Cake for Morgan's 3rd birthday. (Cheating~I know!)
~Went to Target and bought a "big girl" carseat for Morgan.
~Took the girls to see Santa at the Bass Pro Shop. (Cadence screamed for her life, made for a cute picture though!)
~Contemplated doing laundry. (Still doing that today!)

4 Things I Look Forward to:
~Decorating for Christmas. I force myself to wait until after Thanksgiving.
~Vacation every year. I love to fly away, it makes me appreciate home.
~My girls' birthdays.
~Steve and my anniversary month. We started dating, were engaged and married all in March. We don't do gifts, I just really like to take the time to appreciate us.

4 Things On My Wish List:
~Disney World.
~new camera
~bigger bed for Morgan. The toddler bed just isn't cutting it anymore.
~For Cadence to have a day without incidents. Bad luck has been following her around for weeks. My poor baby has been sick, hurt or you name it....today, a rash and a black eye. Yesturday, she bumped the other eye, fell and now has a knot on the back of her head.

4Favorite Restaurants:
~Pei Wei
~Chick Fil~a
~On The Border

4 Favorite TV Shows:
~Anything on HGTV.
~Sons of Anarchy
~We tivo tons of shows, these are just the ones I remembered first.

4 People I Tag: (You're It!)

Monday, November 10, 2008

Trick or Treat!

As you can imagine, Morgan was ready to go! She had been preparing and gathering her costume for weeks. Everyday, she would tell me something different. She wanted to be a witch, no....a cat, no.....a princess, no......?! Finally, the day came and she didn't want to be anything! She just wanted to go! I had to persuade her to wear her costume with a little bribery. I pulled out some toy jewelry which was previously hidden from her! (Speaking of choking hazards!) You'll notice she's totally blinged out!
Then there was Cadence, the Medieval Witch. Her Daddy picked out her costume a month before. She wasn't feeling good and stayed in the stroller most the night. She had fun following Morgan around. Morgan was a ball of energy. She kept saying "One more doorbell, please!"
Halloween was great. I can't wait til next year! The 'pumpkin' is still being dragged around the house with a few bits of Halloween loot in it! I let her (Morgan) have (pretty much) free reign over it. And, I'm surprised the candy has lasted this long!

Screw this....

Seriously! We've had a rough couple of weeks around the Owens household. It all started with a few spider bites on Cadence. No big deal, right?! Well, I'll get back to that later. On the Thursday before Halloween, Cadence managed to find a screw that her Daddy lost. Apparently a tasty little screw because she ate it. The screw was a 1/2'' long and the head was a 1/2'' in diameter. As she was choking, Steve knew exactly what she had found. So, off to the ER we went for x-rays. Luckily, all went well and the screw had made it to her stomach. Here are the pictures I snapped with my camera phone.
The next day, the screw made it's appearance back into the world. Moral being.... all things that go in will eventually come out. (Sorry, I had to make light of it!) Halloween was a rough day for Cadence. She really wasn't feeling well and I figured it was because of the screw. (It went in black and came out silver.) My thought was....great, lead poisoning? My Mom and Aunt Joann came to Houston for some shopping. So we toted my sick little girl all over town. We even rounded out the Saturday by going to the Renaissance festival. (Steve and some our friends were camping out for the weekend.) By nightfall, Cadence had started running a fever. I gave her Tylenol and we headed for home. To make a looooong story short.....one of those spider bites was on her bottom and it had abscessed. I tried to get it to go away at home but ended up at the Texas Children's Hospital by Monday morning. They had to give her some heavy anesthesia so that she could handle the pain of them lancing it. eck. Definitely not something I want her to go through ever again. So, I've been doctoring a hiney for days! It's almost healed and so far, so good.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Twinkle Toes!

Morgan has been given an early birthday present from Meems & Peeps. A costume. She has been granting wishes every since! So, if anybody needs a wish or two.....be prepared to close your eyes and viola! She's too cute for words.....

Friday, October 17, 2008

Cadence's First Birthday!

Cadence turned one on October15th! I can't believe how fast this past year has flown by. As we did for Morgan, we had a small party at home for her first. Morgan helped me with the cake and cupcakes. They turned out to be very interesting. Someday, I hope to be as good at decorating a cake as Mrs. Auvenshine! (Wish me luck! And don't laugh....I have a long ways to go!!!) Morgan understood that it was Cadence's birthday. She didn't mind having to help Sissy open presents. What else are big sisters for?!
Cadence is blue-eyed and blonde?!?!?! Never in a million years did I think I could give birth to a blonde, blue eyed baby! But, here she is. Completely different from Morgan in every way. Everyone says each child is their own person and they are surely right. Kinda makes me want to have more! Shhhh, Steve already knows!

Happy Birthday Cadence Emily!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Fall is here!

Fall is my favorite time of the year. We went last weekend and picked pumpkins & sunflowers. Morgan and Cadence had a blast and I think it is a tradition that we will have for many years to come.