Okay, maybe she's three! She says free instead of three though. We're working on that!

Her birthday was November 26th, the day before Thanksgiving. She has a few things that she knows she can count on when a birthday comes around. Nana is going to send balloons and she gets to help with the cupcakes. Those two things must happen or it's just not a birthday.

Stevie had to work really late on her birthday. So, keeping the little one occupied was fun. We went and picked up her cake and I decided she should get to enjoy it. She played for hours with it. It came with six little princesses and she was in love.

By the time Stevie got home, the cake had been taste tested. I didn't really mind, it's her party, right?! Can you tell, I was feeling bad for not doing a big shindig for her this year? Bad Mommy.

Happy Birthday Morgan Faith!