A couple of weeks ago, Bobby, Lisa and the kids came to town for the Houston Livestock Show. We managed to make it down there to see all the action and the girls had a blast. Here are a few pictures. This one is of Bobby and Morgan.

This steer did very well...in case you were wondering....and I'm bragging a bit on their Steer! He placed 13th out of 49 in Houston. By not making the Sale, he was shown in Austin and placed 2nd!....making the Sale.....Congratulations Andy! Congratulations to ALL my nieces and nephews. This year, they showed Steers, Heifers, Rabbits and Hogs. We are very,
VERY proud of ya'll!!!!! In this picture are two of Bobby's three kiddos, Kaitlyn and Andy with Morgan.

Morgan rode a pony....all by herself! She is sporting a bandana that she made in MDO. She is very proud of it and it's the cutest thing ever!