Well...here she is! My beast of a house! This is the only house we looked at when we came home to go house hunting. I knew from the moment I saw her that she was the one. We knew we were going to look at a foreclosure, which meant more home for our money, a fixer upper, & a probable close from you know where. She sits in the middle of nowhere in Hays county, off
Fitzhugh towards the
Blanco County Line, in a nice little neighborhood. She was meant for us! We put in our offer & it was accepted within 30 minutes. Did I mention it was meant to be?! Since moving in... we have had a new road built, Steve fenced in a garden, refinished the concrete floors, added carpet to the bedrooms, excavated the back yard, built rock patios & flowerbeds on the front & cleared cedar. Right now, I'm in the process of painting the interior. I'm sure we've done more, I just can't remember it all! We've been busy! My honey~do list is a mile long & Steve should get an award for appeasing me!